Monday, February 8, 2010

Thing # 8

Well, for my "Thing # 8" post, I used the mosaic maker, and after a great deal of deep and serious thought... I decided I'd make a mosaic of a few of my favorite cartoons growing up. This of course has nothing to do with education, but the application could definitely be a useful tool when different subject matter is used. It would be a cool way to make a collage of great photos to use in a presentation or powerpoint. Since there's an endless amount of pictures out there, I would use this application to find photographs that were relevant to whatever time period in history I may be teaching, and it would hopefully enhance the lesson quite a bit. I actually created another mosaic that consisted of images from the Great Depression (which is what my powerpoint covers). I thought I'd stick with the lighter material for this post. It took some time to get used to how this application worked, but it was a pretty easy process overall.

1 comment:

  1. I think its great you did a mosaic of the cartoons you liked when you were little :). I also did a mosaic but mine is of my cats and my dog. I also never knew sites like this existed before now I like the fact we have the resources to use in our classroom one day. Like you said there are so many photos out there to choose from and this could be used in any classroom with any subject.
